Terms & Conditions | Privacy & Cookies
Riverside Training Company email riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com
Office Hours 10.00-4.00 pm Monday-Friday (closed on Bank Holidays).
Visits by appointment only
We are Riverside Cares and Riverside Training Company, which was established in 1989. Welcome to our website! These terms will help you understand how the contents on our website relate to the services we supply, training and guidance.
Our services are delivered by Riverside Cares and Riverside Training Company, Riverside Early Years Training Ltd
To make life a little easier, we typically refer to Riverside Cares and its associated companies as “us” or “we” in any content found on the website. In connection with training, Riverside Training Company will be referred to as RTC. Our training arm offers the opportunity for students and delegates to undertake a training programme, course, module, unit or session, and to study towards either an Accredited Qualification, Certification for Completed Units or to gain a Certificate of Attendance. RTC is accredited with the leading awarding bodies CACHE and Qualification Network. These courses are suitable for those working in the Early Years Sector, Elderly Care and as Childminders as well as Home Child Carers and families.
We recommend that you retain a copy of these Terms and Conditions for future reference.
Paying for a course via the Riverside Cares and Riverside Training Company website
A course, award, training or session can be purchased by paying the appropriate fees, as set out on the website, to Riverside Training Company (RTC). All online transactions are processed securely by our merchant service provider, Stripe. Your credit card number will be encrypted when your order is placed using SSL encryption software. Our merchant providers then inform us, via the encryption system, of the outcome of that transaction. We will not store or share card details of our clients with any 3rd party. Payment can also be made by internet banking using the following details: Account Name: Riverside Training Company Sort Code: 60-05-37 Account Number: 24034975.
Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy
General Information
Please read carefully before buying a training course or accessing or downloading any training materials.
When purchasing a course or session (either for yourself, your employees or your group), you undertake not to copy the training materials documentation except where such copying is incidental or necessary for completing the relevant training; not to rent, loan, translate, adapt, or modify the training materials or documentation; to include the copyright notice of Riverside Cares/ RTC on all copies you make of materials; not to provide or otherwise make available the training materials of documents in whole or in part in any form to any person without prior written consent from Riverside Cares/RTC.
While we make every effort to keep changes to the site to a minimum, we reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time to reflect changes affecting our business, including, but not limited to, changes in technology, payment methods, and legal and regulatory requirements. By continuing to use this site, you agree to accept any changes to the terms and conditions.
A) Choosing a training course
- The Learners or their course selectors are responsible for ensuring that the course suits their requirements. RTC is available to offer advice but accepts no liability if the course content does not meet the Learners’ or course selectors’ requirements.
- In order to complete a course/qualification, learners must have a sufficient standard of English and ensure that their English level is at the correct standard for their chosen course. The Common Core Skills course and Paediatric First Aid course are pitched at GCSE level C / 4, with learners requiring conversational English.
- The contents of all courses delivered by RTC are carefully researched so that learners can learn the most up-to-date and accurate information available at the time of course delivery. All content within a course or session is provided for general information only and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Riverside Training Company is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made or treatment carried out by a user based on the content of the course. You should always consult a medical practitioner if you have concerns about your own or a child’s health.
B) Booking a training course
- When submitting a booking for a place or group of places on a course or session, whether online, in writing, or by telephone, the Learner will receive a verbal, written, or both confirmation of RTC’s acceptance of the order (a Booking Confirmation).
- Course Fees include face-to-face tuition, eLearning on selected courses, assessment and certification (if there is a variation, this will be noted). All other costs, such as travel, lunch, pens, pencils, books, computers, tablets and accommodation, are the responsibility of the Learner/course selector. The fees may include different elements depending on the course undertaken; if a Learner is unsure if the Course Fees cover something, the obligation lies with the Learner or their course selector to request extra information before booking.
- Training must be carried out by the named Learner in whose name the course/session has been purchased.
- Course fees must be paid before training commences, with funds received and cleared before commencement. Fees can only be paid via our website, by direct bank transfer, or by telephone using a debit/credit card. Cash payments can only be made to an authorised representative with Riverside Cares/RTC’s agreement.
- For the delivery of training within a ‘Group Booking’, each Learner undertaking training as part of the group booking is considered an individual ‘named learner’.
- eLearning is ‘single-use’, i.e., for the ‘named learner’; it cannot be duplicated, replicated, or passed to a third party. Each learner will be supplied with their own unique login code, which is exclusively for their use and must not be shared. Each learner will only receive one login code per purchase. Each Unique Code is an individual license to access the training.
- Each course has a pre-agreed deadline for completion; this can vary according to the individual course
- eLearning awards/courses have been designed to be completed in a manageable timeframe, factoring in the particular needs of individual Learners. Learners should check that they can realistically complete their studies in that timeframe before purchasing training.
- Learners with additional learning needs should discuss this at the outset with RTC during the application process so that RTC can best support their needs. RTC may ask for evidence of these needs.
- If we have to contact the Learner, we will do so by telephone or in writing to the email or postal address provided to us when making the booking.
C) Conduct during training
- RTC reserves the right to remove the Learner from the course/session or decline the Learner’s booking. If a Learner is removed from RTC training course/session, no refund will be offered. If a Learner is attending a classroom-based course/session, we ask that the Learner plan their journey to be sure that they arrive ahead of the beginning of the training session to avoid disrupting the session by arriving late and to ensure that you have fully completed each unit covered during the training session. We also ask that learners turn off or ‘silence’ their mobile phone and keep it out of sight to be respectful to the Trainer and other members of the group during the training session. If a Learner needs to make or receive phone calls or messages, this should happen during the breaks. To enable RTC to continue to uphold ‘behaviour policies’,
- Learners should take care to make or receive unavoidable emergency phone calls or messages discretely, out of the view of other Learners.
- Learners are always required to observe and abide by all policies regarding health and safety, security, suitable conduct and behaviour and any other regulations set out by RTC in its course handbooks/handouts and instructions imparted by the Trainer.
- RTC aims to ensure that the learning environment is safe and that participants can genuinely feel at ease. Learners should be respectful and considerate of other learners and the Trainer, refraining from using inappropriate language or comments that others may find disrespectful. Confidentiality must be maintained, and attendees should avoid sharing personal, sensitive information about fellow learners outside of the session.
D) Awards/ ‘Extended’ qualifications (excluding Paediatric First Aid and Common Core Skills)
- Learners must have access to a computer or tablet, the Internet and a working email address. We strongly recommend that Award Learners set up a Skype, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams account and purchase a webcam.
- Award Learners will, by acceptance of the terms, agree to complete each module in a pre-agreed time frame.
- Learners applying to study towards a whole award (typically a course taking several months or longer) are requested to undertake an interview; this can take place in person or via Skype or Zoom. The interview aims to ascertain that the learner understands English well enough to complete the award successfully. If the learner declines to undertake the interview offered by RTC but wishes to still study towards the award, RTC reserves the right to withdraw the Learner from the course should it become apparent that the learner does not have the required level of understanding of English. In these circumstances, a refund will not be offered. Learners studying towards an award who elect to pay per module or per segment (available on some Level 3 Awards) will need to pay full payment for each module before undertaking the study. RTC cannot offer the opportunity to study for a module until the payment is cleared.
- Each award/course has specific study requirements. To complete an award/course, the learner must meet all requirements, including completing a set number of hours in placement. The learner is responsible for finding a placement or place of employment that will allow them to complete the required hours.
- If a Learner has an additional learning need, suffers from ill health, or is unable to complete the award in the pre-agreed timeframe due to other special circumstances, an extension will only be given with the written agreement of RTC and in consultation with the assessor. RTC may ask for evidence of any mitigating circumstances before agreeing to an extension.
- If a Learner is not able to complete an award (or the module they have paid for), a refund is not available. However, at RTC’s discretion, the finish date (for the course or module) may be extended. This will incur an extra charge, which will depend on the individual circumstances.
E) Assessor visits/course deadlines for ‘Extended’ qualifications
- Most awards/courses involve completing assessments within a pre-agreed deadline in the course introduction letter.
- If a learner decides that they do not wish to continue their training course, they must email Riverside Training Company within a reasonable timeframe, not later than two weeks after the deadline for completion of the learners current assignment, to inform Riverside Training Company that they either wish to pause training or abandon it. Depending on the reason why they need to pause, Riverside Training Company may offer the opportunity to restart training at a later date. The learner may incur additional charges on a case-by-case basis. If the learner does not make contact at all to cancel their training programme and at a later date returns requesting to restart the training, they may be asked to repay for the course.
- If the training involves the learner being assigned an Assessor, then the completion timeframe will be agreed upon between the Learner (or the course selector), the Assessor, and the RTC. If the Learner does not complete in the pre-agreed time frame and has not contacted the Assessor in advance with a reasonable explanation accepted by the Assessor, the Learner (or course selector) will incur an extra charge. The charge will depend on the level of incomplete work and the impact on the completion of the module/units. The charge for that module or unit could be up to 60% of the Learner (or course selector) fee. RTC hopes the situation will be remedied in advance, removing the necessity of implementing this clause.
- If a Learner cancels an Assessor visit less than 48 hours before the start of the visit, an extra charge of £75.00 will be incurred. RTC will ask for evidence of mitigating circumstances, such as a Doctor’s letter.
- The Assessor visiting a learner to assess that learner in practice will expect children to be present. If the assessor arrives and the children are not present without the pre-agreement of the assessor, the visit will be deemed non-valid. The learner (or course selector) will incur a charge of £75.00
- The Assessor will expect the Learner to have carried out pre-agreed preparation for the visit in connection with the assessor’s plan. If the Assessor deems that insufficient preparation has occurred upon arrival, the Assessor may request an extra assessment visit to complete the qualification. A course cost will include a pre-agreed number of Assessor visits; the learner will be charged £75.00 for any Assessor visits over and above the pre-agreed amount that forms part of the course.
- Learner support during training is provided by telephone, email, and Assessor contact from the start of the course to the pre-agreed completion date. If deadlines are not met, the Assessor and RTC’s Director of Training will discuss the next steps and any potential add-on costs.
F) Short Certified Courses such as Paediatric First Aid 12 hours
- Learners must have access to a computer or tablet and the Internet and have a working email address.
- By accepting the terms, learners agree to complete the eLearning module within a pre-agreed time frame.
- Each award/course has specific study requirements. In order to successfully complete an award/course the learner must meet all requirements, for example, to commit to completing an eLearning module in a particular timeframe.
- If a learner is not able to complete an eLearning module a refund is not available but, at RTC’s discretion, the finish date for the eLearning may be extended, this will incur an extra charge (based on each 24-hour extension agreed) which will need to be paid in advance of any extension. To clarify, completing the eLearning means successfully completing both the course and the quiz at the end of the course.
- If a Learner does not complete the required Learner Registration form they will not be able to attend the course and will not be due a refund.
G) eLearning Awards/Courses (either blended learning or exclusively online)
- Each Learner will be supplied with one unique login code, which is exclusively for their use and is an individual license to access their training. The length of access is carefully mapped to the course design. For example, the blended learning element of the 12-hour Paediatric First Aid course has a license that allows access to the eLearning course for 56 days.
- Each course will have a pre-set license period, which will be made clear in the course details.
- eLearning learners must have access to a computer or tablet and the Internet and have a working email address.
- Blended learning Paediatric First Aid: Learners must leave at least 72 hours (noting RTC’s office is open M-F and closed on bank holidays) between completing an eLearning module, including the final quiz, and attending an in-person ‘Classroom Day’. This allows RTC sufficient time to complete the necessary paperwork before the classroom day.
- Only where it has been pre-agreed that the completion date is later, for example, if RTC receives the booking a few days before the in-person classroom date the booking is a few days before the in-person classroom date
- Learners undertaking the eLearning blended Paediatric First Aid 12-hour training course should note that they must pass the eLearning module, including the final quiz, in a suitable time frame to attend the ‘Classroom Day’. RTC stipulates that the module must be completed at least 72 hours before the beginning of the Classroom Day. Therefore, we recommend that Learners concerned about how long it will take to complete the eLearning segment ensure they give themselves sufficient time. To complete the eLearning module, the learner will need to achieve a minimum of 16 out of 20 in the final assessment. If this is not achieved on the first attempt, the Learner has four attempts to complete this assessment successfully. If the Learner has not achieved this and has to cancel attendance on a pre-booked Classroom Day in less than 7 days, RTC reserves the right to charge the Learner the full fee to attend the ‘replacement’ Classroom Day. The Learner will have the opportunity to elect not to continue their studies and not book a replacement day, or they can elect to be moved to 1 Day Emergency Paediatric First Aid where completion of the eLearning module is not a requirement.
- Learners who are undertaking the eLearning blended Paediatric First Aid 12-hour training course should be mindful that they need to complete their Classroom Day no more than 8 weeks from the completion of their eLearning module
- Diploma in Homebased Care learners will be expected to complete the course within 3 months of the ‘start date’ set out in the Letter of Introduction, if however, they do not complete in this time frame the maximum time for completion of this course is one year from the ‘Start Date’. Any extensions over 1 year will incur an extra charge which will be calculated on the basis of how much of the course has already been completed.
H) Rescheduling or transferring to a new course or new date
- If a Learner wishes to transfer to a new course or change the date on a pre-booked course, requests can only be considered in writing and received via email to riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com. The request must be received a full 14 calendar days prior to the commencement of a course. RTC will formally acknowledge receipt of the request. If the request has not been responded to by RTC, the Learner must resend the request or telephone the office in case the email or request has not been received.
- Course transfers for eLearning courses will only be considered prior to commencement of the course i.e prior to logging in to a course via the learner’s unique login.
- Individual Learners are allowed one ‘date swop’ as long as the request is made more than 14-calendar-days before the original course date. If further date-swops are requested (again with a 14-calendar-day gap between the new request and the most recently confirmed course date) an administrative charge will need to be paid and received ‘cleared’ by RTC before the Learner is moved to the new date. In all cases, date-swops can only be made to dates where there is availability. Any training place booked must be used within 12 months of the date of the original booking.
- Opportunities to reschedule will entirely depend on the individual course and whether it is run more than once.
I) Cancelling or rescheduling of a course by RTC
- Occasionally in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances, a course may be cancelled or the venue changed. RTC reserve the right to alter or withdraw a course or session, change the venue or Trainer. Learners will be informed in writing by email or by phone. RTC reserves the right to cancel any date without prejudice and will offer an alternative date or full refund.
J) Refunds and Cancellations
- In order to request a refund, the Learner or course purchaser must inform RTC by emailing riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com or in writing to the following postal address: Riverside Training Company 29 Milligan Street, London E14 8AT, marking your email or letter Refund and Cancellation. The Learner or course purchaser must clearly state their intention to cancel the course/session. To meet the cancellation deadline, the learner should ensure they have added sufficient time to send their communication concerning exercising the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.
- In a situation where RTC has agreed to give a Refund (either to the learner or course purchaser), the refund (minus the booking fee) will be refunded by internet banking from RTC to the recipient.
Please read the clauses below to determine whether you can request a refund. Your cancellation rights will depend on whether you are a Consumer or a Business.
- If you are a Consumer (i.e. you have purchased this service for wholly non-work-related reasons), you may be entitled to a full refund if you are within the 14-day cooling-off period. This period starts when you receive our notification confirming receipt of your booking. If you have already started any elements of our course within the 14-day cooling-off period, you are not eligible for a refund.
- If you are a Business Customer (i.e. buying training services in connection with your trade, business, craft or profession), the following rules apply:
If it is more than 28 days before the course date (with the proviso that the eLearning has not been accessed. For clarity, ‘not accessed’ means the learner has not logged in to the eLearning element of the course using their unique login code).
- You can cancel with a full refund.
- You can transfer to another course date free of charge.
- You can transfer the course to another individual free of charge.
- If you prefer to apply your course fees to an entirely different RTC course, and if that other course is more expensive, RTC will charge you the balance between the original course fee and the new course fee.
Between 14 and 28 days before the course date (with the proviso that the eLearning has not been accessed. For the sake of clarity ‘not accessed’ means the learner has not logged in to the eLearning element of the course using their unique login code).
- You can cancel with a 50% refund.
- You can transfer to another course date free of charge.
- You can transfer the course to another individual free of charge.
Less than 14 days before the course date;
- No refunds will be given.
Once a course is amended, transferred or cancelled no further refunds or course transfer options will be available.
Any DBS booked must be processed within 12 months of the date of the original booking.
K) Additional information for eLearners
- Learners who are undertaking the eLearning blended Paediatric First Aid 12 hour training course who do not attend the Class Room Day on the date they booked to attend (and did not cancel) do have the opportunity to rebook the Class Room day, they will be charged the full amount and should be mindful that they need to complete their Classroom Day no more than 8 weeks from their eLearning Module in order to successfully gain the award.
- Learners studying towards an award which will take several months or longer to complete agree at the outset that they will need to attend a series of training dates or complete online assessments throughout the course and complete their studies in an agreed timeframe. If the learner does not attend either the whole or part of the course or complete the online assessments, they will not be due a refund. In the case of non-attendance due to occasional illness, RTC will consider each situation on a case by case basis.
- If, after making payment, a learner doesn’t begin the eLearning course please refer to clause (J) in these Terms and Conditions ‘Refunds and Cancellations’ RTC reserves the right to decline to offer the learner a new start date.
- If a learner misses the deadline to complete eLearning, RTC reserves the right to charge an additional fee should an extension be granted to complete the eLearning module. That fee must be paid before the learner can join on the classroom day. It should be noted that RTC strongly prefers that learners finish within the noted timeline ‘at least 72 hours’ before the classroom day commences.
L) Group Bookings
- An invoice will be raised for Group Bookings, which must be settled by the due date before the training delivery. RTC requires the names of all attendees before training commences. Any adjustments to numbers and attendees must be completed before a course starts and agreed in advance with RTC. Once the course has begun only the named Learners can attend,. Any additional learners/attendees that the client wishes to include can only join with written confirmation from RTC (there is likely to be an extra charge)
- If additional learners are added, dependent on the final Learner numbers for a Group Booking, there may be a price adjustment and extra cost. For example, in Paediatric First Aid training, if there are more than 12 Learners but less than 25 two trainers will be required.
- It is the responsibility of the person making the Group Booking—or the designated ‘point of contact’—to ensure that any eLearning required prior to the Classroom Day has been successfully undertaken and completed at least 72 hours (excluding weekends) before the beginning of the Classroom Day.
- It is the responsibility of the person making the Group Booking—or the designated ‘point of contact’—to ensure that all learners have logged in to update their password during RTC’s office hours (10.00-4.00 Monday to Friday); this ensures that if a learner is having difficulty, we are available to support them.
M) Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy for Group Bookings
- RTC requires written confirmation of a request to cancel or reschedule a Group Booking confirmed and paid for on a specific date. In the first instance, email riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com, marking your email or letter Refund and Cancellation or, if it is the case, Rescheduling a Booking. We recommend, in advance of emailing, that you check the status of the booking with regard to our cancellation policy, noted below. To meet any potential cancellation deadlines, please ensure you have added sufficient time to send your communication concerning exercising the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. Riverside Training Company confirm receipt of that email.
Cancellation Policy mapped to ‘days’:
If it is more than 28 days before the course date (with the proviso that the eLearning has not been accessed. For the sake of clarity ‘not accessed’ means learners who are part of the Group Booking have not logged in to the eLearning element of the course using their unique login code).
- You can cancel with a full refund
- You can transfer to another course date free of charge.
- You can transfer the course to another group free of charge (in the same geographic area – if the area is elsewhere there may be an adjustment to compensate for additional travel etc).
- If it is preferred, the course fees can be applied to an entirely different RTC course, and if that other course is more expensive, RTC will charge the balance between the original course fee and the new course fee.
Between 14 and 28 days before the course date (with the proviso that the eLearning has not been accessed. For the sake of clarity ‘not accessed’ means learners who are part of the Group Booking have not logged in to the eLearning element of the course using their unique login code).
- You can cancel with a 50% refund
- You can transfer to another course date free of charge.
- You can transfer the course to another Group free of charge (in the same geographic area – if the area is elsewhere there may be an adjustment to compensate for additional travel etc)
Less than 14 days before the course date;
- No refunds will be given.
Once a course is amended, transferred or cancelled no further refunds or course transfer options will be available.
N) Acceptable conduct for Website visitors
You may only use the website in accordance with the terms for lawful purpose which include compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and appropriate codes of practice. The codes of acceptable practice apply to all branded materials and publications.
Users agree that they will not:
- Use the content or publications produced to wilfully harm or damage the rights of any third party, nor will members use any content or publication to discredit or willingly cause professional damage to any third party.
- Reproduce any content from the website or other publications and distribute as original work, either for profit or as part of a non- profit making action.
- Must not alter or amend content or documents to distribute or retain in a manner that may be deemed inappropriate or derogatory to any third party or to bring the reputation of Riverside Cares into disrepute.
- Take any action that includes excessive downloading of material or content either for distribution or any other purpose that may in any way overload or damage the infrastructure of the website.
- Distribute their membership/log in details to be used by any party other than the intended recipient (member)
- Falsify in any format materials content or downloads from any RIVERSIDE CARES or RIVERSIDE TRAINING COMPANY publication for either the purpose of making a profit or to offer to any other third party as a gift or reward.
- Violate these terms in any other manner.
We reserve the right to revoke your right to access data and or publications produced for or by Riverside Cares or Riverside Training Company in any format if we believe, at our discretion, that you are in breach of these terms.
O) Warranties, disclaimers and limitation of liability
Riverside Cares provides information on the Riverside Cares/Riverside Training Company website for general information purposes only. Whilst we use reasonable efforts to keep the information up-to-date and accurate, errors may occur, and we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, reliability, suitability for any particular purpose or availability with respect to the Websites or the information, materials, products, services, or related graphics contained on the Websites for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Your use of any information or materials on the website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. You shall be responsible for ensuring that any product, service or information available through these Websites meets your specific requirements. Access to the website is provided on an “as is” and on an “as available” basis and whilst we make all reasonable effort to keep the website up and running smoothly. We take no responsibility for and will not be liable for temporarily unavailable websites due to technical issues beyond our control. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude liability for the content of the website and all implied warranties, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy are excluded from these Terms. We do not warrant that the website will be available uninterrupted or error-free or that any defects will be corrected. In no event will we be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary losses or damages, loss of data or loss of profits arising out of or in connection with:
- Access to, or the use, of the website:
- delay or inability to use the website or
- the information contained in the website,
Including, but not limited to, loss of profits, anticipated savings, revenues, data, goodwill or contracts resulting from contract, tort (including negligence) or whatever cause.
Nothing in these Terms excludes our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or in respect of fraudulent misrepresentation.
You acknowledge that any unauthorised use of the website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.
P) Indemnity
As a condition of using the website, you agree to indemnify and keep us indemnified against all liabilities, claims, losses, costs, damages, and expenses, including legal fees, incurred by us should you breach any of these Terms. We reserve the right to assume the defense and control of any matter subject to indemnity by you, and in such case, you undertake to co-operate in full with our defense of any such claim.
Q) Viruses
We aim to keep our anti-virus software up-to-date, but we do not warrant that the website, its servers, downloadable files, or e-mails we may send are free from viruses or other harmful components. We advise members to ensure they have suitable anti-virus protection on personal computer systems and check the protection on any public computer system used with the service provider.
You must not:
- Introduce or attempt to introduce any virus or other contaminant to the website or any of its software or systems; or
- In any way attempt to access, alter, de-compile, reverse engineer, destroy or otherwise tamper with any part of the website, its software or system.
R) Copyright
The Riverside Cares / Riverside Training Company website contains material owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Except as is otherwise indicated on the website, we and/or our licensors are the owners of the copyright (and all related intellectual property rights, including but not limited to all database rights, unregistered and registered trademarks, service marks and logos) in all the content featured on the website, including the organization and layout of the website and the underlying software code relating to the websites. All our rights and our licensors’ rights are reserved.
You shall not copy, reproduce, permanently store, retransmit, adapt, download, exploit or otherwise use part or all of the contents in any form other than the following:
- You may print or download to a local hard disk extracts from the website for your personal and non-commercial use only, providing no modifications are made and the document is copied entirely; and
- you may copy the content of the website to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material and providing no modifications are made and the document is copied entirely.
You shall not, except with our express prior written permission, distribute or commercially exploit part or all of the website’s content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
Some documents and photographs have been published on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners when they are not Riverside Cares’ property. All rights are reserved on these documents, and permission to copy, reproduce, permanently store, retransmit, adapt, download, exploit, or otherwise use them must be requested from the relevant copyright owners (the sources are indicated within these documents/photographs).
The trademarks, logos and service marks (collectively the “Trade Marks”) displayed on the Websites (whether registered or unregistered) are and shall remain the property of their respective owners. Nothing contained on the website shall be construed as granting any license or right to use any Trade Mark displayed on the website without the written permission of the relevant Trade Mark owner. Your misuse or infringement of any of the Trade Marks displayed on the Website is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to use, amend or reproduce any of the materials on this website in any manner other than as expressly permitted under these Terms, please contact Jill Wheatcroft/ Gaby Morris at info@riversidecares.co.uk
S) How information is used.
We will not sell, rent, exchange or give your email address to anyone for the purpose of sending you marketing emails without your permission. We do not disclose your contact information to any third parties other than for order processing, delivery and customer service or feedback purposes. We are totally committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).
Cookies are used on this site to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart. They are also used after you have logged on as part of that process.
All legal entities’ information on the website are presented for information purposes only. The terms and conditions as set out within this document apply to your use of our website which is located at www.riversidecares.co.uk and any training courses, services and sessions you purchase.
Data collected by this website is used to:
- Take and fulfil customer orders/requests
- Administer and enhance the site and service
- Only disclose information to third parties for goods delivery and customer service or feedback purposes.
- We send subscribers on our mailing list, training and recruitment follow-up emails, newsletters, special offers from time to time in connection with training you have undertaken or have expressed interest in however you may opt out of receiving such emails at any time by contacting us.
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.
You may share this website by any of the following means:
- Using any of the share icons at the bottom of each page.
- Providing a back-link or the URL of the content you wish to disseminate; and
- You may quote extracts from the website with attribution to Riverside Training Company
- For any other mode of sharing, please contact the author at: riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com
- Commercial use and distribution of the website’s contents is not allowed without express and prior written consent of the author.
Riverside Cares Company Information:
Office: 29 Milligan Street London E14 8AT riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com Office Hours 10.00-4.00 M-F
Visits by appointment only
Customer Service
Our office team are always ready to help. If you have questions about courses, payment, refunds or any other matter please do not hesitate to give us a call on 020 7374 6363 in-office hours or send an email to Jill Wheatcroft at riversidetrainingcompany@gmail.com. Our cancellation policy is set out here.
Riverside Training Company (Riverside Early Years Training Ltd), Reg. No. 5521545; Riverside Childcare Agency Ltd, Reg. No. 05692988; Riverside Nannies and Mothers Help’s Ltd, Reg. No. 02940490; Riverside Elderly Care Limited, Reg. No. 8293235
VAT number 475484649
Registered Office 1 Tower House, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 8UR
© Riverside Cares 2014, All Rights Reserved.